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Brad P How To Beat Approach Anxiety Download

So today was good and bad. This is my first baseline score, and while it isn't very good, I had some good experiences today and I came out of everything really encouraged. I know not every day is going to be a good one, but this wasn't too stressful and I managed to stay positive.Here's how the scores broke down:1. 810-18: 0Total: 62I just lost steam getting all of these done. I got off to a decent start, but as things got harder I just lost the guts to do them. It's OK though, because now I have a baseline.


I have a lot of work to do and I should see some pretty significant improvement as these scores go up. It's almost a relief that I couldn't get through a lot of these, because I have so much room to get better.I also saw people responding to me WAY differently after I got through the handful of exercises I managed to do. I had a really hard time getting 3 people to make eye contact with me in excercise 1, but by the time I was done with the excercises I was catching some really strong eye contact from chicks all over the place.

I can't put my finger on what changes, but something about my vibe totally changes once I warm up a bit and I get in a better state. I was much more talkative after getting this stuff done and in a pretty good mood. Felt like I could have made an approach afterwards, which sounds silly but is a big improvement over where I was before I started. Brad has mentioned that the SF exercises turn out to be a state builder so I wasn't too surprised by this, but it was still very pleasing.Going to get out again tomorrow to get this done. I want to build some serious momentum here and doing these as close to every day as possible is probably the best way to get that done. Hey guys, I'm Reggie.

I've known about the so-called pickup community since about 2000, and I have been a keyboard jockey for pretty much the last 11 years. I'll admit that I do okay with girls in the grand scheme of things.

I've had sex with 25-30 girls in my life and generally have decent pickup skills once I'm in conversation with a girl. However, I have debilitating approach anxiety that just completely ruins my ability to have any kind of consistent game. I've grown pretty tired of it.At this point in my life I'm in love with a girl who doesn't want to be my girlfriend anymore. We were in a long-distance relationship - I met her via cold approach when I was on a Brad P. Workshop in New York City in 2010. We dated casually long-distance for a year and I totally fell for her.

After a couple months of a committed relationship she broke up with me and said she couldn't do the distance thing. I don't have hard feelings and I'm glad we gave it a shot, but I'm still hung up over her. I know that the solution is to go out and meet more high-quality girls because this one is probably the best one I've ever dated. But I won't be able to do this unless I learn to get over my AA.So, I'm taking Brad P's 'How to Beat Approach Anxiety' or '18 Degrees of Social Freedom' program and I'm going to work it until I have enough social freedom to get out there. I don't think I'm a candidate for social anxiety meds as I have pretty good social skills as it is.

Brad P How To Beat Approach Anxiety Download Free

I think I just need some good ole exposure therapy. On his blog, Jake P (head coach for Brad P) has said that a Social Freedom score of 120 is about what you need to be able to consistently cold approach women. So that's the first goal, and from there I really want to push the limits and make this a strength of mine. We will see how it goes.